Fishponds Community

What do you think?

Fishponds Community Planning Group aims to provide information about local planning issues and proposed developments in the Fishponds area.  We know there are proposals for some big housing developments in the area.  We want to hear your views about aspects of living and working in Fishponds.  This will help us to respond to development proposals in the area.

Please complete the survey below to let us know how you feel about these issues in Fishponds.  If you don’t have strong feelings either way or don’t know, please select ☹️🙂 no opinion.

Fishponds is a big area! We need this to understand which part of Fishponds people live in.
Please enter your full postcode. e.g. BS__ ___*

Fishponds is a big area! We need this to understand which part of Fishponds people live in.
Please enter your full postcode. e.g. BS__ ___*

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Local traffic*

Local traffic*

😀😀 very happy
😀 happy
😕🙂 no opinion
☹️ unhappy
☹️☹️ very unhappy
Local traffic
Road safety
Public transport
Cycle routes
Access to GPs
Access to dentists
Primary School places
Secondary School places
Local jobs
Parks and Green Spaces
Places where people can meet socially, e.g. a community centre
Provision for young people in Fishponds
Provision for older people in Fishponds
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Part 4/4: Additional Feedback

Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?

Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?

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